Shifting Landscapes: Urban Enslavement in Antebellum New Orleans
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Students and faculty around the world began to create new virtual and augmented reality projects like Sojourners' Trail - the first interactive, Afrofuturist classroom game. Sojourners' Trail featured a time-traveling framework to explore Black communities at their peak of social and economic vitality, shattering mythologies of intergenerational poverty and dysfunction among African American families. (...)
Mississippi River Open School for Kinship and Social Exchange
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Cahokia, United States
The Mississippi River Open School for Kinship and Social Exchange (2022-2024) is the working title for an expansive educational and research collaboration through the formation of five river hubs spanning the river’s headwaters to the Gulf. Our partners have been working on issues related to the river for years, and an earlier project, ​​Mississippi. An Anthropocene River (2018-2019), ​opened up an opportunity to continue to collaborate on a multi-year project on issues spanning the length of the river.