Drawn Together
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In designing and operating large-scale infrastructures, humans tend toward fixity—despite increasingly dynamic conditions, such as those at play in the Mississippi River Delta context. The Anthropocene River Campus seminar “Un/bounded Engineering and Evolutionary Stability” sought to explore the multi-scalar effects of such human interventions, and how new futures might be imagined that engage and work with these dynamics. To do so, the seminar employed the practice of drawing as its core method (...)
Mississippi River Open School for Kinship and Social Exchange
RSS Connected
Cahokia, United States
The Mississippi River Open School for Kinship and Social Exchange (2022-2024) is the working title for an expansive educational and research collaboration through the formation of five river hubs spanning the river’s headwaters to the Gulf. Our partners have been working on issues related to the river for years, and an earlier project, ​​Mississippi. An Anthropocene River (2018-2019), ​opened up an opportunity to continue to collaborate on a multi-year project on issues spanning the length of the river.