Technological DMZ
Research on one of the most important wintering places for cranes that happens to lie in the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between North and South Korea. (...)
Re-patterning with Kudzu: Reckoning in Search of Regeneration
Artist Ellie Irons documents her travels to Natchez, Mississippi, to meet the American kudzu plant on the contested terrain it has colonized. (...)
Uncalculated Risk
A brief history of New Orleans’ industrial canal and the risk to life posed by obsolete ideas in an era of planetary change. (...)
The Current: Mississippi. An Anthropocene River
The installation The Current presented field studies by artists, scholars, and activists who were involved in the AC project Mississippi. An Anthropocene River. (...)
Seminar: Archiving
How can we move from the archive (as an institution) to archiving as a practice that sustains many lives (like oral history, dancing, singing, cooking)? (...)
Seminar: Communicating
In the seminar, the practice of communication was explored as one in flux to address some of the underlying power structures that shape communicative practices. (...)
Seminar: Consensus Building
With myriad different perspectives, tools and methods for describing the planet in transformation, how is it that consensus and verification can be established? (...)
Seminar: Sensing
By focusing on the embodied, the extended, and the environing qualities that sensing has, the seminar oriented around how perception can be habituated as well as unlearned. (...)
Social Witnessing
Two case studies focus on two very different landscapes, and attempt to account for the changing relationships that make them over time. (...)
From a Living Exhibition to the DMZ
Space for studying Anthropocene-related changes can occur intentionally, through institutions and other projects, but it can just as easily occur by accident. (...)
Between Spaces, between Lines
Some of the most interesting work on the Anthropocene takes place in between places, in between disciplines, and even in between the lines. (...)
Place and Space
How do materials from different forms of research communicate with each other? (...)
Histories of Disintegration
Histories can often be told through the changes in a landscape; about what has changed and come to form, but most of all, what is excluded altogether. (...)
Knowing Together
How can we build communities that share knowledge about climate issues, both locally and at the planetary-scale? (...)
Approaching a Waterway
Artists discuss sturgeons pushed to the edge of extinction and the future of a chemically polluted river near Cape Town. (...)
The Shape of a Practice: Online Project Environment
A dynamic virtual landscape served as a venue for The Shape of a Practice. (...)
Case Studies and Seminars: The Shape of a Practice
The week-long The Shape of a Practice event, which took place in October 2020, was a product of a diverse collection of case studies. (...)
The Shape of a Practice 2020
The Shape of a Practice constituted an experiment in negotiating the particularities of context, purpose, and method. (...)