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How do I join? How can my project/event become part of the AC?

The AC is currently working on a joining protocol, which will be streamlined in winter 2024. In the meantime, if you would like for your event to become part of the AC, please express this in the #support Discord channel. Instructions on joining our discord channel can also be found in this FAQ.

Further AC social media channels (@anthrocommons) on Facebook and Instagram remain active and are also open for you to follow and share any activities. In winter 2024 a new website will be launched as an aggregating platform for affiliated projects. Details on how your websites and projects could be integrated here, are to follow in late summer.

Anthropocene-Curriculum.org remains active as an archive of the ten years of Anthropocene Curriculum collaborations, now maintained by the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin.

Future network exchange sessions are planned as well, dates will be communicated in due course.

How do I add my project website to this aggregator website?

The AC is currently working on a joining protocol, which will be streamlined in winter 2024. In the meantime, if you would like for your project to become part of the AC, please express this in the #support Discord channel. Instructions on joining our Discord server can be found in this FAQ.

Which kind of support is provided by the AC, funding or other?

The AC is currently in a transition phase itself requiring bridge funding (if you have any recommendations please get in touch or post any calls via the Discord!). The AC aims to create a discursive space where those working on similar concerns and topics can exchange ideas, tips and projects. If you are looking for project or funding partners, you are welcome to get to know and get in touch with other members through the discord channel #say-hi, and also follow the #opportunities channel.

Further AC social media channels on Facebook and Instagram (@anthrocommons) remain active and are also open for you to follow and share any activities.

How do I join the mailing list?

To join the mailing list, please email info@anthropocene-commons.org

How do I use Discord?

You can join the discord via the invite link here: discord.gg/wSxXDYcSjX
On the server, you can follow the activities and events of the network as well as join in on group discussions. So we can get to know you a bit better, it would be great if you could also introduce yourself and/or your projects as well as your interest in AC in #say-hi. Feel free to also scroll through the community on the channel and get in touch with anyone you would like to get to know better. As to your projects and events, you are welcome to share your plans or open calls on the #opportunities channel. For those of you new to Discord, please find a two-minute tutorial here and a longer tutorial here.

If you are having trouble getting onto Discord, you can also email us at info@anthropocene-commons.org.

Version 1: 10.10.2023